Authentic listing in Macao

2024272: The whole article of Macao listing [update 100%]

Published on: 2024-09-28 04:41:43

2024272: The whole article of Macao listing [update 100%]

 Issue 272 Opening time: 9:30 pm, September 28, 2024 (Saturday) ◎ Zodiac attribute: Bingshen Day; Five Elements attribute: fire; Six local branches: sheep rush to cattle, no cattle; Six Harmonies: snake; Three in one: tiger and rabbit. The dead Xiao: tiger and rabbit. ◎ Six in one: chicken, dog and mouse; Three in one: dragon, cow and snake; Animals to be opened: tiger, horse, rabbit, sheep, pig. Prevention: Dragon dog.. ◎ The Chinese zodiac must be born on the lottery day → → Monkey Day: horse dog, snake pig, rabbit, chicken, monkey dragon ◎ The day of lottery opening corresponds to the five elements → → The first day of application: water, wood and soil ◎ The Chinese zodiac must be created on the lottery day → → A Shen: pigs, mice, snakes, dragons, cows and monkeys ◎ Cattle in the last issue, must be opened in this issue: pigs, cattle, mice, horses, dogs, chickens and sheep Issue 272, The Whole Chapter of Macao Listing The official color picture of Issue 272: 33 Explosions: Dogs are listed Idioms: Water is far away, mountains are long, and mountains are long; Monkeys, mice, chickens, snakes, pigs and dragons are listed [Definition] ① The same as "distant water and mountains". ② It means vast mountains and rivers. Issue 272, another edition of Macao Jockey Club: 19 rats Phase 272 Jockey Club was listed: 46 shots, 02=15 Issue 272 genuine digital listing: 27 shots: 05=49 A true saying: breaking the yuan and new sentences to the ninth day of the ninth lunar month (23478) Phase 272 Blue Sky Xuan was listed: 39 rats Issue 272 Treasure Map New: The original version of the treasure map has been stopped, and now the online version is imitation, please refer carefully. Episode 272 Running Dog: [Fear] The reason for being caught in a dilemma is fear. After stumbling, I am tired. It is not advisable to act recklessly. Follow every opportunity- Mysterious Word Testing: Cheng Issue 272 Macao Closing Couplet: Good people, good hands, good spirit, chicken, mouse, dog and rabbit are special. Xie [Shen] [2684] Issue 272 Macao Open Door Couplet: The horse keeps moving forward, and the money in this issue depends on green red. Solution [Stop] [1584] Issue 272 Another Macau Closing Couplet: The third is the first in the order, and the second is the solution. [90263] Issue 272 Another Macau Open Door Couplet: Six Union Journey Joyful, Four Follows the First Four Two Feet Unscramble [Sound] [51738] Issue 272: The flowers come from inside: the flowers are in full bloom, the head is lifted, the neck is lifted, the tongue is stretched, and the blue and red colors show the Monkey, Tibetan and Dog House Issue 272 Listing at Taiwan's Xuanmen: [One side is worth ten thousand gold] [425] Phase 272 locomotive: burn rabbits. Poetry: When a horse dies and a cow is injured, good luck will come to the 26 flowers. Issue 272 Fire Diagram: Fire "Pig". Poem: It was three, four, five or more times, but where would it be better to get three, two or two. Issue 272 Wordless Tianshu: Frequent gambling may not be all lost, calm and calm can be detailed. Chicken 28 Issue 272, the oldest edition of Wordless Heavenly Book: From all sides, we are in distress, and both places are sent with rescue. Ma 23 Issue 272 The Forbidden Zodiac of the Nine Palaces: Sheep Part 272 must win: Jia Xu Issue 272 Two Character Classic: Scattered Phase 272 Liuhe Mailbox Red Letter: Peak Code: 02 17 32 43 Issue 272 One Word in One Word: As You Say Issue 272: Ma Issue 272 Genuine Huang Daxian Archery Picture: 36 at the beginning 22 12 Issue 272 Another edition of Huang Daxian's archery picture: 13 42 shots on 09 Phase 272 Macao II: [A Talented General] [146] Issue 272 Macao Envelope Listing: Add 1378 to calculate the long history of injustice in the world Wave band prediction of Phase 272: 10 --- 27 35 --- 49 Issue 272 Special Code Single and Double Sentences: [hold out one hand and three fingers]? Issue 272 special code single sentence and double sentence: [cause trouble] solution: "? Issue 272 Iron Abacus: Goofy Rabbit Grasping Spirit Snake (More Butterflies Dream in Shaoguang for Half a Life) Open:? 272 Macao edition of "Macao Liuhe Heavenly Book Listing" Heavenly Book: Dragon and Tiger will be able to explode this issue, and four six in five will be launched. Sky code: 03, 15, 22, 27, 32, 36, 42, 48 272 (Macao version) Six part couplet poem: horizontal couplet: 29 nods; first couplet: one seven runs smoothly; six comes first; second couplet: seven closes three sees six tails; third. Password: 48042 The official edition of the 272 issue was listed at the gate of the Jockey Club. One sentence: "One seven comparison, three four combination"==[35 for 18] The 272 issue of the Equestrian Club was listed at the gate, saying: "Tiger, Snake, Sheep, Pig, People Hate==[Horse Club Gives 46] Issue 272 Macau Life Open Door Couplet: Three long and two short phases will turn around, and there will be a number of solutions [to] [26549] Issue 272 Macau Life Closing Couplet: Winning three or five prizes and winning seven cents one. This issue is solved [obtained] [75342]

source: 2024 Macao Genuine Materials


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