Authentic listing in Macao

Issue 2024267: The whole listing of Macao [update 100%]

Published on: 2024-09-23 04:42:01

Issue 2024267: The whole listing of Macao [update 100%]

 The opening time of Issue 267 is 9:30 p.m. on September 23, 2024 (Monday) (August 21 in the lunar calendar) ◎ Zodiac attribute: Geng Yin Ri; Five element attribute: water; Dizhi Liuchong: tiger chong monkey, no dragon; Liuhe: pig; Three in one: horse dog. Empty Death Xiao: Sheep Monkey. ◎ Six in one: chicken, dog and mouse; Three in one: dragon, cow and snake; The Chinese zodiac should be: tiger, horse, rabbit, sheep, pig. Anti: Dragon Dog ◎ The Chinese zodiac must be created on the lottery day → → Tiger day: cattle, pigs, chickens, tigers, mice, horses, snakes and dogs ◎ The sun column on the lottery day corresponds to the five elements → → Geng Yinri: gold, wood and earth ◎ The Chinese zodiac must be born on the lottery day → → Gengyin: monkeys, snakes, sheep, chickens and pigs ◎ Tiger in the last issue, must be opened in this issue: rat tiger, snake, sheep, monkey, chicken and dog 267, Macao Listing The original color picture of the 267 issue: 49 Explosions: Rabbit listing Idioms: Worse on the worse, listing: Dog, pig, chicken, mouse, cow and monkey [Definition] Frost is added to the snow. It is a metaphor for suffering disasters one after another. Issue 267 Another edition of Macau Jockey Club: 24 dogs Phase 267 of the Jockey Club: 26 shots, 04=18 The genuine digital listing of Issue 267:: 08 Shoot: 34=23 A true saying: Abandon the stars and wander down the flower field (12458) Phase 267 Blue Sky Xuan: 12 snakes Issue 267 Treasure Map New: The original version of the treasure map has been stopped, and now the online version is imitation, please refer carefully. Issue 267 Running Dog: [Fan] Why not fan the wind and ignite the fire? It's fun to watch the fire from the other side! There is no need to dodge as the boundary water stops. What can I do with the fire- Mysterious Word Testing: Gan Issue 267 of Macao Closing Couplet: Mountain Minggu should be able to move quickly, and feel deeply grateful for eliminating evil spirits. Dephasing 267 Macau Open Door Couplet: Fortunately, it is not too late to see through the truth when the Dragon is here to enlighten. Xie [Zi] [2746] The 267 issue of the closed door couplet of Macao: nine characters lead the way, one or eight escapes, and six characters of sorrow break the dream. Xie [Mao] [67013] In the 267 issue, the Macau Open Door Couplet: Seven yards of truth comes from the second and fifth way, and there is no expectation in the distance. Xie [decadent] [18742] Issue 267 Internal Wanhua Materials: Wanhua blooms in the event of an accident, and the dog is blessed. The blue and red colors show the dog hiding horse house Issue 267: [Endless future trouble] [169] Phase 267 locomotive: burn rats. Poem: The dragon dies and the monkey is wounded. The total score is broad and special. Issue 267 Fire Diagram: Fire "Dog". Poetry: Vientiane has three new additions, and cattle and horses are not in the middle of three. 267 No word Heavenly Book: pigs get married before dogs, and see which local branch is. Rabbit 08 The oldest version of the 267 edition of Wordless Heavenly Book: This issue is called "Three More Dance", and it will last for seven months after the age of four or four. Dragon 34 Issue 267: Dragon Part 267 must win: Liu Futong Issue 267 Two Character Classic: February Phase 267 Liuhe Mailbox Red Letter: hysterical code: 04 19 2534 267 Issue One sentence in particular: sigh deeply Issue 267 was listed as "killer material"/"killer snake" Issue 267 Genuine Huang Daxian Archery Picture: Shooting at 30 am 06 22 Issue 267 Another edition of Wong Tai Sin's archery picture: shooting 47 24 at the eleventh hour Phase 267 Macao II: [3144] [126] Issue 267 Macao Envelope was listed: Zhang Brothers and Li's fourth and seventh opening (up and down in the morning) plus 3419 Wave band prediction of Phase 267: 10 --- 27 35 --- 49 267 special code size single and double sentence: [one rap and one dumb] solution: "? 267 special code single sentence and double sentence: [success or failure depends on determination] solution: "? Phase 267 iron abacus: How do you know (two three four four four two open) open:? 267 Macau version of "Macau Liuhe Heavenly Book" Heavenly Book: guard the gate ten miles away, and get together on April 7. Sky code: 04, 16, 22, 28, 34, 36, 46 267 issue (Macao version) Six part couplet poem: horizontal couplet: six eight part couplet: seventeen big shun six one lower couplet: nine nine return to one positive fruit solution: mention. Password: 48050 The original 267 edition of the Jockey Club was put up at the gate, saying, "Eat your own fruit, five times over five==[Hang 19, send 04] The 267 issue of the Alternative Jockey Club put up a sign at the gate, saying: "Four or seven people fly off to get together"==[35 free for the Jockey Club] Issue 267 Macau Life Open Door Couplet: The rat's eyes slip out of the strange trick, and fat sheep and strong cattle are beyond defense [God] [27619] 267 Macau Life Closing Couplet: The victims are like rats and pigs. It's more common to ignore people's lives [Bo] [38726]

source: 2024 Macao Genuine Materials


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