Authentic listing in Macao

Issue 264: Macao Genuine Listing 24

Published on: 2024-09-20 04:41:40

Issue 264: Macao's original listing [pictures and texts] 24

[Listing]: 24

[Four words]: Heart to heart

[Burning]: Monkey

[Number of doors]: 01,02

[Six Xiao]: Dragon cattle, dog, chicken, pig and rabbit

[Words]: Heart to heart

[Pinyin]: x ī n x ī n xi A ng y ì n

[Explanation]: Don't tell each other's intentions; We can understand each other. Describe that their thoughts and feelings are exactly the same. Heart: mind; Thoughts and feelings; Seal: joint; Fit.

[From]: Tang Peixiu's Monument to Tang Gu Feng's Dinghui Zen Master: "But the hearts and minds are in harmony with each other, so that we can prove that the brightness is useful."

[Example]: Futai has seen it, and they are deeply attached to each other. There is no reason to reject it. (Chapter 59 of Li Baojia's Official Appearance in the Qing Dynasty)

[Grammar]: Heart to heart correspondence between subject and predicate; As predicate, object, adverbial; With commendatory meaning.

source: 2024 Macao Genuine Materials


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