Authentic listing in Macao

Issue 263: Macao Genuine Listing 29

Published on: 2024-09-19 04:44:25

Issue 263: Macao's original listing [pictures and texts] 29

[Listing]: 29

[Four characters]: Innocence

[Burning]: Dragon

[Number of doors]: 04,02

[Six Xiao]: Tiger, pig, chicken, cow, sheep and dog

[Words]: Innocence

[Pinyin]: ti  n zhe en w ú xi é

[Explanation]: Evil: improper. Kind-hearted and pure, without improper thoughts

[From]: Volume I of Ding Ling's World of Winds and Snows: "I am an innocent person, a revolutionary soldier, and a child of the Party."

[Example]: Wang Shuo's "Fierce Animals": "Yu Beibei's innocent behavior left me only vague memories of the real details of that night, but an unforgettable warm impression."

[Grammar]: Innocence is used as predicate, attribute and adverbial; It is mostly used for women and children.

source: 2024 Macao Genuine Materials


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